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21Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.21
Turkish Bir dilek tuttum ve sen gerçek oldun.. Hayatım...
Bir dilek tuttum ve sen gerçek oldun..

Hayatım boyunca hep yıldızlara bakmışımdır ben. Onlara bakıp bir gün bana getirecekleri büyük aşkı düşünmüşümdür. Şimdiye kadar hiç rastlamamıştım ona. Tam tüm umudumu kaybetmişken sen geldin bana.

Bu şekilde tanışmamız ne kadar garip değil mi? Keşke hayalini kurduğumuz şeyleri bugün, hatta şu anda gerçekleştirebilsek.. O kadar çok istiyorum ki. :) Seni görmediğim zamanlarda kendimi çok mutsuz ve kötü hissediyorum. Keşke hep birlikte olabilsek..

Öpücükler yolluyorum.
Felemenkçe: Hollanda'da konuşulan dil'e lütfen :)

Completed translations
English I made a wish and you became real...
Dutch Ik deed een wens, en jij werd 'echt'...
German Wunschtraum
Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
English The life 20 years ago was a bit different than...
The life 20 years ago was a bit different than now. There was friendship between neigbours. People didn’t steal as much as now. Women mostly didn’t work. They were at home to grow up children. Men worked for money and family.

There wasn’t big shopping centers. People bought needs in grocery and bazaar. Needs weren’t so expensive and there wasn’t economic crisis.

Couples worked really hard for their marriage. Divorce wasn’t the first choice to make. They didn’t worry about having too many children. People did agriculture and livestock. Farming was a part of life in rural areas.

They didn’t use technology in education. People could judge you by political views. People wasn’t as free as now. Summers were like summer and winters were like winter. Global warming didn’t affect the weather as much as now.
Please use the tense "Perfekt" in all sentences of translation.

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German Das Leben vor 20 Jahren
Source language
English Your translation is being evaluated
Sorry, right now your translation is being evaluated and you can't modify it. Any change you may suggest must be posted in the message field.

Completed translations
French Votre traduction est en cours d'évaluation
Spanish Perdón, en este momento su traducción está siendo evaluada
Chinese simplified 您提交的译文正在审核中
Polish Twoje tumaczenie jest oceniane...
Romanian Traducerea dumneavoastră este în curs de evaluare
Turkish Çeviriniz değerlendirilmekte
Swedish Din översättning är under utvärdering
Italian La tua traduzione è in corso di valutazione
Serbian Vaš prevod upravo ocenjuju
Bulgarian Съжаляваме, в момента вашият превод се оценява
Portuguese brazilian Desculpe, neste momento a sua tradução está sendo avaliada
Greek Η μετάφραση σας βρίσκεται στη φάση της αξιολόγησης.
Korean 번역물이 평가되는 중입니다.
Dutch Uw vertaling wordt op dit moment beoordeeld
Danish Din oversættelse er ved at blive bedømt
Catalan La teva traducció està sent avaluada.
Hebrew תרגומכם מוערך כעת
ბოსნური ენა Izvinite, vaÅ¡ prevod se upravo
Albanian Përkthimi juaj po vlerësohet
Faroese Tíverri
Icelandic Því miður
Arabic ترجمتك لازالت في مرحلة التقييم
Czech Váš překlad se hodnotí
Slovak Váš preklad sa overuje
Hungarian A fordításod jóváhagyásra vár
German cucumis de
Finnish Pahoittelemme
Lithuanian Jūsų vertimas yra atiduotas vertinti
Norwegian Din oversettelse blir evaluert
Portuguese A sua tradução está a ser avaliada
Slovenian Oprostite, vaš prevod se trenutno
Esperanto Via traduko estas taksata
Chinese 您提交的譯文正在審核中……
Russian Ваш перевод сейчас оценивается
ლატვური ენა JÅ«su tulkojums tiek novÄ“rtÄ“ts
Latin Translatio tua existimanda est
Afrikaans U vertaling word op hierdie oomblik beoordeel
მალაიური ენა Terjemahan anda sedang dinilai
ბრეტონული ენა Oc'h ober war dro ho troidigezh emaomp
მონღოლური Таны орчуулга хянагдаж байна.
უკრაინული Вибачте, Ваш переклад зараз оцінюється
Estonian Teie tõlget hinnatakse
Nepali तपाईं को अनुवादको मुल्याङ्कन हुदैछ।
Thai เจ้าหน้าที่กำลังพิจารณาบทแปลของคุณ
Urdu آپ کا ترجمہ گ کیا جا رہا ہے
ინდონეზიური terjemahan Anda sedang dievaluasi
Hindi आपका अनुवाद मूल्यांकित किया जा रहा है
Vietnamese Bản dịch của bạn đang được đánh giá
აზერბაიჯანული ენა TÉ™rcümÉ™niz qiymÉ™tlÉ™ndirilmÉ™kdÉ™
ბრეტონული Your translation is being evaluated
ქართული ენა თქვენი თარგმანი შეფასების პროცესშია
ფრიზული Dyn oersetting wurdt evalueare
Swahili Tafsiri ya cucumis
მაკედონური ენა вашето преведување се оценува
Ancient greek Ἡ σὴ μετάφρασις διακρίνεται
Croatian Vaš prijevod upravo procjenjuju
Persian language ترجمه‌ی شما در دست ارزیابی است
Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
English Words don't explain.
Why would you need to break me down, rip me apart and all the bad things? I came to you as me. I wasn't expecting something more than a piece of love. You didn't have to act like a heartbreaker. Seeing you flirting with every single soul on the earth is killing me inside bit by bit. I closed my eyes from now on and not seeing anything about you. Wish God help me on this; because you're like a shining star right above me.
It's written from a woman to a man.

Completed translations
Italian Le parole non spiegano
Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
English We are so cool baby!
I spent a few days with non stop laughing and getting so many funny messages about that mess. And Berlin.. You just made my day! I really liked you for my whole life and nothing is gonna change that. Remember I'll always be there to help you to learn life in the future. ;)

And I really love my wonderful husband! He has been always by my side, holding my hand and laughing with me. Thanks to all of you for giving us such joyful days! Can't wait to see you again.

Love ya all!

Completed translations
German Wir sind die Besten!
Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
English Application for...
Hello dear,

I'd like to apply for judge vacancy if you are hiring a foreigner. I'm Rosa Rose. I was born in London, but I'm currently living in Warsaw. Well, not everytime, because I'm touring with my band most of the time.

I worked as a judge for Toronto and Sarajevo. But it didn't take so long. I was a wedding minister at Toronto, so they didn't let me judge.. and when I became a judge in Sarajevo, another Chief Justice was elected and they changed the staff of the court house. So, if you give me a chance, I can do my best.

I have 3* at Basic Law and 3* at Basic Detective. But I want to be a judge, because my musical life is too stressed to travel around and catch the criminals.

Love and kisses,
Rosa Rose

Completed translations
Italian Domanda per...
Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
English Confession
Can you please.. take a look at me? Tell me what you see? Please tell me why I cry behind you that much? I need to see what the hell you've done to me..

So many things had happened. You are in the past and I need to look ahead. I need to take you out of my mind. Why can't I do that? Why are you so indispensable for me? Why?

You are dead.. So I must forget.. But when I close my eyes, I see you.. Whenever I kiss someone, it feels as if I kiss you. Can't you see how hard is it for me?!

If you are there... watching me from above, please tell me something.. Show me a sign.. I need to find you to free my soul.
Dutch.. In Holland.

Completed translations
Dutch Opbiechting
Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
English My dear fiance
Being your wife will be the best thing for me to do! I want you be with your forever and ever!
Admin's note :
Please could you add a Latinized version in the remarks field? as requester would like to have an idea about how it sounds. Thanks a lot!

Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
English Hello great people
Great band with great people!

I'm your number one fan, really. You are my reason to listen Rock music. Especially I adore your star, Viola Archetti. She is my dream girl, ever!

To be honest -but the things I've told above is real, of course- you guys are really perfect. If there was a button to rate your attitude, I'd rate it god smackingly glorious! But you're more than it. ;)

I'm dying to see you on stage again.

Your #1 fan, Rosa Rose

Completed translations
Italian Ciao grandi
Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
Turkish Yeni bir gün.Yeni umutlar.
Uzun bir zamandır sanki bir gölgenin altında yaşıyormuşum gibi hissediyordum.Ama sanırım sonunda ışığı buldum.Şimdi o ışığa doğru yürüyorum.Korkmuyorum kırılacağım diye.Daha önce çok kırıldım,üzüldüm.Hepsini atlattım.Eğer bu seferde üzülürsem,düzelmem uzun sürecek.

Umarım sen kırmazsın beni.Umarım anlarsın neler hissettiğimi.En azından sana karşı ne kadar karışık duygular hissettiğimi.Belki sen bana çok iyi davranacaksın,hiç duymadığım güzel sözleri söyleyeceksin ve yüzümde uzun zamandır görülmemiş o samimi gülümsemeyi göreceksin.Çünkü inanıyorum sana.Beni mutlu edeceğine.Umarım hayallerimi yıkmazsın.
Acilen, lütfen..
İçerikte kullanılan "o" erkektir.

Completed translations
Italian Un giorno nuovo. Nuove speranze...
Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
English Property of Merlijn
Property of Merlijn
Merlijn is a 'he'.
Dutch please.. The language who is being used in Holland.

Completed translations
Dutch Eigendom van Merlijn
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